Aase Legacy Fund FAQ
What is MUN?
Model United Nations is a simulation of the United Nations where students play the role of delegates from different countries, debating and attempting to solve real-world issues. Conferences are held at colleges and high schools throughout the world. The current HBHS program has about 350 students each year ranging from freshmen to seniors.
What are the costs to participate in MUN?
Current students at HBHS are required to attend four conferences to be in HBHS MUN. Local conferences incur conference fees and the cost of bus transportation. These costs are paid through fundraising by the booster club, voluntary family contributions, and money earned by putting on the HBHS Surf City MUN conference. Freshmen through seniors can attend local conferences, and no student is denied participation if they cannot afford to contribute.
Junior and senior students also have the option to attend state, national, and international conferences. These optional conferences have additional flight, hotel, and meal costs. The cost of attending a conference on the East Coast can range from $1,000 to $2,000. An international trip can cost twice that much. Although fundraisers can help, families must pay a share of the additional costs for optional conferences. For lower-income students, the family share can be difficult. Grants of $100 to $1,000 can make a difference to these students.
How does participating in MUN help students?
Beyond learning about international issues, MUN students gain competency in research, speaking in front of large groups, collaborating with others, meeting deadlines, and being accountable to a team. Junior and senior students gain leadership skills through mentoring freshmen and sophomores. This experience is especially valuable to low-income families whose students may be the first generation to attend college. Being in MUN can boost chances of admission to select colleges, and confidence gained can help them succeed in college and beyond. Attending a national on the East Coast or an international conference in Europe is an academic goal that students work hard to achieve.
What is the fundraising goal of the Aase Legacy Fund campaign?
Our goal is to raise $50,000 or more by HBHS MUN’s 50th anniversary in 2023 to establish an endowment capable of contributing $2,000 or more a year.
Who is behind the Aase Legacy Fund Campaign?
The Fund was established by HBHS MUN alumni who want to honor Mr. Aase and extend his legacy. After a series of conversations with alumni, Mr. Aase’s children, the advisor of the current program, and Booster Club board members, we decided the best way to extend Aase’s Legacy would be to provide support for juniors and seniors attending national or international conferences. We formed a nonprofit, the Lynn Aase MUN Legacy Foundation, to oversee fundraising and management of the fund. Board members include alumni of the program as well as members of the Aase family. We also have an Advisory Council. If you would like to be involved, please reach out to us.
What is an endowment fund?
Endowed funds are invested. Each year, a portion of income earned is spent. “Legacy” is a word Mr. Aase used to instill a competitive spirit in his students. An endowed fund enables donors to create a legacy in Mr. Aase’s honor. If we can reach our goal, the money raised will create a perpetual gift. If we cannot reach the goal, then funds raised will still be used for conference scholarships, but will be eventually spent down.
What kind of gifts can I make?
In the initial phase, we are collecting monetary donations. Later, we may also be able to accept securities, business interests, real estate or other complex assets. We will also encourage estate planning so that alumni can remember the MUN Legacy Fund in their wills and estates.
Is my gift tax deductible?
We have created a nonprofit organization that has been approved by the State of California to oversee the fund, and your donations will qualify as charitable donations. Consult a tax professional for advice.
How is the Aase Legacy Fund different from the existing Booster Club fundraising or the money earned by HBHS putting on its own Surf City MUN Conference?
The Booster Club and the Surf City Conference raise money each year to lower the family costs overall. The Lynn Aase MUN Legacy Fund targets the extra help needed for students from low-income families to attend the optional conferences held on the East Coast or abroad. From the beginning, Mr. Aase, generous parents, and teachers worked behind the scenes to help financially strapped students. This fund extends that generosity so that any student willing to put in the work can have a chance to attend the most prestigious conferences.
How will the Aase Fund money be spent?
Funds will be used to help cover the costs of qualified low-income junior and senior students attending advanced national or international conferences. Working under guidelines approved by the board of the Lynn Aase MUN Legacy Foundation, MUN advisors will allocate grants based on both merit and need. Students already must submit an essay describing why they are deserving of going to a national or international conference. Students who want to apply for Lynn Aase MUN Legacy Funds must also submit a short essay describing why they have financial need. Successful applicants will demonstrate both merit and need.
Aase retired in 2004. Who runs the program now?
Before retiring, Aase mentored other teachers who have since mentored others, all of whom are committed to running the program at the same competitive level and to providing opportunity to all students willing to put in the effort required. To learn more about the current program, visit hbhsmun.com or visit the Aase Legacy Facebook Page.
What size gift is needed?
The Aase Legacy Fund’s success depends on gifts both large and small. Lead gifts help reach goals quickly, but small gifts add up. A high participation rate, moreover, shows current students that alumni and others are rooting for their success. Every gift, no matter the amount, is a vote of confidence in MUN students and a tribute to Mr. Aase. See our How to Give page for information on levels of giving.
How can businesses and the greater community help?
The impetus for the Aase Legacy Fund stems from the respect MUN alumni have for Lynn Aase. But the program is an academic gem in Orange County, deserving of support from the broader community. Sponsorship of the Aase Legacy Fund shows commitment to equity and inclusion and opening doors to academic success to all. Donors can take pride in supporting a proven academic program with a distinguished history of 50 years.
Will donors be recognized?
Donors will be recognized at anniversary events, online, and in social media.
How else can I help?
Our campaign is starting from scratch. We need volunteers to reach out to potential supporters. Please share our link with others. Reach out to us if you would like to help organize.